Friday, February 7, 2014

Accessory Issues

1. Feeling annoyed that a diamond fell out of my wedding band, and I have to get it fixed for the second time in four years.

2. One of my kazillion jackets (it happened to my current favorite, but still), had a stain on it from my son's banana, and it would be out of service for, you know, a DAY, while I took the time to wash it.

3. My favorite purse (from Target) is steadily falling apart, and I may have to pull in one of my Coach purses as a BACKUP.

Yep, I'm full of middle class problems this week.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Problems with Problems

  1. Being told that your expensive car repairs aren't "real" problems, because they happened to have occurred on the same day as a major world event.
  2. Feeling like you can't actually share your frustrations with anyone, because people in the "real" world have worse problems and yours shouldn't matter.
  3. Being righteously angry that a tire for your jogging stroller costs 1/3 as much as the whole stroller (and then feeling guilty about your righteous anger).
These, my friends, are middle class problems.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Clothes Shopping Woes

1) The clothes I want online won't arrive until after school starts. I'd feel much better having my closet all full and ready before the first day.

2) Nursing tops are, in a word, ugly.  I'm on a constant search for cute tops in the non-nursing mothers section that will work for my needs.

3) Costco doesn't sell men's jackets in size small. This seems especially odd given the ethnic make up of my geographic region.  Lots of men could use this size.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Middle Class Hobbies

1) I "need" a new, expensive, lens for my expensive digital camera...will need to wait for Christmas or my birthday.

2) We are having trouble finding just the right reclaimed wood to build our dining room table.

3) The flowers the hubs wanted to plant needed to be driven down from a nursery in Oregon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Suburban Farmer Problems

1. I have too many gorgeous peaches growing in my backyard.  A bunch of them went bad before I could cook them.
2. I was too busy eating the produce from my CSA delivery, and the cilantro in my garden bolted, rending it unusable.
3. I'm pretty sure my red cherry tomatoes are going to ripen ALL AT THE SAME TIME (see #1 for why this is a problem).

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Food Snob Issues

1) I don't like the coconut milk at Trader Joe's, and it kind of bugs me that I have to buy what I like at Target.

2) Why don't Trader Joe's and Whole Foods carry instant pudding?

3) Why does Costco only carry non-fat Fage or the one with the sugary toppings? What about something in between?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Grocery Grumbling

1) I'm bothered by the fact that so many recipes on Pinterest start with a cake mix.

2) When I forget my shopping bag, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods always double bag my groceries as if they are trying to punish me (and the environment) for my forgetfulness.

3) It costs more to sub in foods like sweet potato fries or a salad in place of regular fries...I'm pretty sure that the cost of iceberg lettuce is not ALL that different from fries. Is it?