Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Clothes Shopping Woes

1) The clothes I want online won't arrive until after school starts. I'd feel much better having my closet all full and ready before the first day.

2) Nursing tops are, in a word, ugly.  I'm on a constant search for cute tops in the non-nursing mothers section that will work for my needs.

3) Costco doesn't sell men's jackets in size small. This seems especially odd given the ethnic make up of my geographic region.  Lots of men could use this size.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Middle Class Hobbies

1) I "need" a new, expensive, lens for my expensive digital camera...will need to wait for Christmas or my birthday.

2) We are having trouble finding just the right reclaimed wood to build our dining room table.

3) The flowers the hubs wanted to plant needed to be driven down from a nursery in Oregon.